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United Units Architects (UUA)是一家拥有英国皇家建筑师协会特许资质的事务所。我们的作品在业界已经建立起卓越的声誉,主要体现在:对空间与形式的创新性设计、对细节的关注、以及对文化和场所的敏感性。事务所的核心理念可概括为 ‘几何精神’,我们将之视为一种整合感性与理性的建筑法则。所谓‘感性’,即建立人与建筑之间的情感共鸣,让建筑成为意义的载体。所谓‘理性’,即在功能和美学的主导下,去实现一种多系统的整合式设计。几何学作为中间桥梁,对感性化的建筑形体进行几何优化与系统划分,使建筑符合工业化的生产与建造逻辑,创造出一种兼具感性与理性、整体与细节、人文与科技的建筑品质。UUA 的工作范围涵盖城市设计、建筑设计和室内设计,可承接从小型艺术装置到大型产业园规划的各类规模项目。我们拥有一流的设计团队,其创始成员均在世界知名建筑事务所任职多年,并且在以往的工作经历中积累了丰富的项目经验,参与过众多具有国际声望的项目。我们把每一个项目视作与客户、设计团队、顾问和承包商之间的一次密切合作。据此,我们能够创造性地解读客户的需求,检验我们设计的可行性,并且认真地控制施工的每一个环节。基于全面的知识和经验,我们能够掌控设计和施工的全过程, 高水准地将设计变为现实。UUA拥有一套行之有效的跨专业合作方式,我们与多领域的设计顾问建立了持续的合作关系,通过与他们共享资源与智慧,我们致力于为客户提供一流的专业服务和富有创意的建筑解决方案。

United Units Architects (UUA) is a RIBA chartered practice. Our reputation is founded on our creative design of space and form, attention to detail, whilst remaining sensitive to both culture and context. The practice is characterized by a unique design philosophy summarized as‘ The Spirit of Geometry: An Architectural Principle to Integrate Sensibility and Rationality’. The ‘Sensibility’ describes our intention to establish the spiritual connection between people and architecture and consequently to make the building a carrier of meaning. The ‘Rationality’ refers to our design approach to integrate building systems into one entity under the guidance of function and aesthetics. In order to make the building comply with the logic of industrial production and construction, the ‘Geometry’ is utilized as an intermediate bridge to optimize and systematize the perceptual architectural form. Thus creating an architectural quality that combines sensibility and rationality, integrity and detail, humanity and technology. UUA is engaged in a broad selection of projects, encompassing every aspect of urban, architectural, interior and product design. From small scale installations to large scale industrial parks and master planning, with our experience we are confident to consider all projects. To achieve this we draw upon the skills of a highly talented team of architects and designers, who through their own professional experience have acquired extensive knowledge designing advanced, complex and iconic buildings worldwide. We consider every project not only as a close collaboration between our clients and the design team, but also the consultants and the contractors who will effectively deliver the project. By doing so, we are able to creatively interpret and understand the client’s requirements, examine the feasibility of our design, then carefully control every aspect of construction. The design intent is translated into reality by drawing on this exceptional network of knowledge and experience that embraces every aspect of a building’s design, construction and performance. It is through this ongoing collaboration with an extended network of international consultants, partners, and advisors, that we are able to remain dedicated to providing excellent, professional and creative design solutions for our clients.


