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近日,SIT Furniture Design Award(SIT家具设计奖)与DesignRe-explore设计再探索达成官方合作伙伴。SIT Furniture Design Award旨在表彰、庆祝和推广杰出的国际家具设计师、品牌、制造商、新兴人才以及通过创新改善我们日常生活的远见者。SIT 专注于“座椅和超越”,鼓励与奖励用于制造伟大与出色设备的战略思维和想象力。
Recently, SIT Furniture Design Award and DesignRe-explore have reached an official partnership. SIT Furniture Design Award exists to recognize, celebrate, and promote brilliant international Furniture Designers, Brands, Manufacturers, Emerging talents as well as Visionaries enhancing our daily life with innovation. SIT focuses on “Seat and Beyond”, rewarding strategic thinking and imagination which goes into making great equipment.

SIT Furniture Design Award(SIT家具设计奖)授权DesignRe-explore设计再探索作为官方合作伙伴。
作为当今享有盛誉的设计大奖之一,SIT Furniture Design Award(SIT家具设计奖)旨在表彰和推广家具设计师和在项目中运用家具的杰出作品,家具设计界的创造力、创新视野和可应用性也应值得在全世界范围内得到广泛赞誉和分享。
SIT Furniture Design Award authorizes DesignRe-explore as an official partner. As one of today's prestigious design awards, the SIT Furniture Design Award aims to recognize and promote the outstanding works of furniture designers and the use of furniture in projects, the creativity, innovative vision and applicability of the furniture design industry Sex also deserves to be widely praised and shared around the world.

MayFurniture Design of the YearJader Almeida

SIT Furniture Design Award(SIT家具设计奖)的获奖者将由受人尊敬的工业设计师、业界创意人士与领导者组成的评审团选出,评审团的每一位才华横溢的评审都是其组织以及领域的领导者,有抱负的持续为工业设计界提供贡献与回馈,以帮助寻找当今最具备远见卓识的设计和设计师。获奖者将获得 SIT 奖杯、作品宣传册、参加双年度获奖者招待会以及向全球观众广泛宣传获奖作品等更多回馈。

The SIT Furniture Design Award winners will be selected by a panel of respected industrial designers, industry creatives and leaders, each of whom is a talented judge who is a leader in their organisation and field and has the ambition to continue to contribute and give back to the industrial design community. to help find the most visionary designs and designers of today. Winners will receive the SIT trophy, a brochure of their work, access to the biennial winners' reception and extensive publicity for their work to a global audience, among other rewards.

2022 SIT Furniture Design Award(SIT家具设计奖)面向全球范围内的参赛作品开放,接受来自世界各地专业设计师以及新兴人才的参赛作品。DesignRe-explore设计再探索不日将发布赛事详情,敬请关注。

2022 SIT Furniture Design Award is open to entries from all over the world, from professional designers and emerging talent. DesignRe-explore will release the details of the competition in the near future, so stay tuned.



