近日,2023 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)正式宣布了年度获奖名单。Design Discovery Awards(D&A)旨在发掘和表彰富有原创性和创新性的设计作品,并推广全球范围内富有卓越贡献且才华横溢的设计实践者,藉此甄选出具备创新贡献、前瞻理念、美学创意的行业专家和设计人才,并为其提供展示佳作的首选平台。HPP建筑事务所参赛作品《上海中企未来世纪大厦》在2023 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺建筑设计类别奖项的WINNER!
2023 Design Discovery Awards(D&A) & WINNER 官网截图
2023 Design Discovery Awards(D&A) & WINNER 获奖证书
©️ HPP Architects
The project is located on the east bank of the Huangpu River in Shanghai with a cramped site. For releasing the ground floor space and maximizing the landscape, two independent office towers instead of one are designed to obtain more visual surfaces. The building is arranged from top to bottom according to a height limit of 50 meters. A structural mezzanine is set up, which is supported by an extending arm truss and suspended from above and below, so that all vertical forces are transmitted through the core tube to underground. The unique structural form makes it possible for the first floor of the building to achieve a column-free space. The 8.5-meter-high ultra-white glass curtain wall further enhances the openness and transparency. The standard floor is a large circular space around the structure core, with a total of eight columns. There are only two columns by each side, achieving a 270-degree viewing space without columns at corners. The curved contour of the facade is fitted by size changes according to sunlight angles, creating beautiful and dynamic light and shadow rhythms.
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
©️ HPP Architects
设计公司: HPP建筑事务所
首席设计师:彦思·库, 余炜, 甘远哲
Project name:Shanghai China Enterprise Future Century Tower
Company:HPP Architects
Lead Designers:Jens Kump;Yu Wei;Gan Yuanzhe
Client:China Enterprise
Project Location:Shanghai, China
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深圳市水平线室内设计有限公司参赛作品《郑州电建中原华曦府售楼处会所》在2024 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺室内设计类别奖项的WINNER!
该奖项的全球参与度非常高,由创始人:彭熙女士为代表的深圳造就设计参赛作品:《现代美学与居住艺术的邂逅》在 2024 French Design Awards(法国设计奖)来自 30 多个国家的1,000多件参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺室内设计类别的金奖荣誉!
Houzee Awards 与 DesignRe-explore设计再探索 达成官方媒体合作伙伴。Houzee Awards 是住宅建筑与住宅设计领域的奖项,该奖项使命是在全球范围内表彰和推广当代最佳创新住宅设计。
Design Skill Awards 与 DesignRe-explore设计再探索达成官方媒体合作伙伴。Design Skill Awards 为设计师提供一个展示才华的全球平台,从而获得国际认可和荣誉。