2022年12月,全球最具领先与影响力的设计奖项之一的 —— International Design Awards(IDA国际设计大奖),正式公布2022年度获奖者。International Design Awards-IDA国际设计大奖授权DesignRe-explore设计再探索作为官方合作伙伴,奖项旨在表彰、庆祝和促进富有远见的设计作品,并发掘全球建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、平面设计和时尚设计共五个设计领域的新兴人才,希望给予不同领域的多学科设计更多认可、鼓励与关注。
2022获奖者由来自 IDA 五个学科(建筑、时尚、室内、产品和平面设计)中每个学科的行业专家组成评审团并进行多元化的评估并选出,评审团的才能以及对各自领域的贡献是真正有抱负且具有成就的,所有评审都至具备至少15年的行业经验,并在各自的组织内担任领导或创始人职位。奥雅股份提交作品荣获1铜9荣誉的好成绩,它们分别是:建筑类装置艺术铜奖项目济南中海阅麓山 · 树洞精灵乐园,景观设计荣誉奖项目上海力波啤酒厂转型项目—烟囱广场、北京西红门创业大街、唐山皮影主题乐园、大连中海海港城·天誉、河源国家高新区中央活力区、温州龙湖揽境体验区、甪直旭辉和风花园、芒市傣族古镇一期景观设计工程、深圳光明小镇·欢乐田园EPC项目。
济中麓山 · 树洞精灵乐
树洞精灵乐园位于济南中海阅麓山示范区后场,整个儿童乐园面积约792 ㎡,设计灵感来源于童话中的树洞,其理念延续大盘“森系”、“山居”的自然基调,洛嘉儿童设计师意在打造一处艺术、奇幻、富有童趣的儿童乐园,未来乐园也将作为大区的儿童活动场地使用,将成为陪伴孩子们成长的、难忘的童年记忆。
Tree Hole Elf Fairyland is located in the backyard of Mansion Hills Demonstration Area, Jinan,covering an area of approximately 792 ㎡. With the inspiration from tree holes in fairy tales, the design inherits the natural tone of the residential project – “Forest Property” and “Mountain Residence”. La V-onderland’s designers aimed to create an artistic, fantastic and funny fairyland for children. In the future, the fairyland will also function as a children’s playground for the residential project. It will accompany children to grow up and become an unforgettable childhood memory.
上海力波啤酒厂位于梅陇镇,占地面积约 1.2 公顷。设计师在改造中以尊重场地为原则,展开公共空间的活化,保留场所中重要的工业遗存,赋予了旧场地新意。设计针对场地特性,营造四种趣味场所,空间和场地人群以及力波特有文化元素融合交织,丰富了创意园区原有空间,加强了片区的吸引力,实现多元化的景观再生。
Shanghai REEB Brewery is located in Meilong Town, covering an area of about 1.2 hectares. Based on the principle of respecting the site, the designer activated the public space, retained the important industrial relics in the site, and endowed the old site with new ideas. According to the characteristics of the site, the design creates four interesting places. The space, the site crowd and the cultural elements of libote are integrated and intertwined, enriching the original space of the creative park, strengthening the attraction of the area and realizing diversified landscape regeneration.
The project infiltrate the urban renewal strategy into every corner of the street and tap the potential of idle space. Through road renewal, street traffic is more reasonable, and the slow-moving system is improved; Through the expansion of idle space, the street space will be more diverse; Through the improvement of the street interface, the facade elements are more characteristic of the times; Through the modular design, the space combination is more flexible and has better expansion in the future; Through the participation of citizens, each space is more meaningful.
The project is a unique low-carbon, environmentally friendly and non-powered parent-child theme park in northern China. It applied intangible cultural heritage—shadow puppets as its main design element to visually connect the entire landscaping area, amusement facilities, architectures, artworks, IP images, and derivative cultural creations together, changing the public’s stereotype of shadow puppets, turning this intangible culture heritage from a single “output mode” into an “interactive experience”, so that it can truly step into our daily life.
This landscape is divided into functional areas with the concept of "seven seas", and the element of "whale" is extracted for parametric exploration of bionic design. The design overcomes the conditions of a large area of fire climbing surface and uneven daylight in this site, it reasonably arranges space functions and improves the route within the site. Also, it takes into account different spatial rhythms and continuity to create the opportunities for different scales of activities in the central area.
The design is based on the key concept of "Opening Sharing, Technology Innovation, Sustainable Ecosystem and Communication Stage", satisfying various of functions such as citizen service supporting and ecological restoration. And create a new city living room for Heyuan National High-tech Zone where people and nature could live together in harmony.
对于现代人来说,花园是接触自然的窗口,也是放松身心的场所,而这正是龙湖揽境的设计初衷:让人们享受在城市,生活在自然。项目以德国 · 林德霍夫宫作为设计灵感,通过汲取宫廷空间序列、奢品元素、宝石质感、黑金配色,突显景观的奢侈品质、文化内涵,体现皇家宫廷的奢享主义和高奢尊贵的居住品质,打造多维度景观交融空间,让花园成为生活的底色。
For modern people, the garden is a window to contact the nature, but also a place to relax, and this is the original design of Longfor Lanjing: let people enjoy in the city, living in nature.Projects was inspired by The Lindhof palace in Germany, through absorbing the court space sequence, a luxury elements, stone texture, color, not gold highlight the luxury of landscape quality and culture connotation, embodies the royal palace of luxury and the living quality of high luxury honourable, blend making landscape of multidimensional space, make the garden the impression of life.
By the analyses on three dimensions of community, landscape and ecology, this project provides a garden-style community, an ecological living environment and a child-friendly space. It creates a dynamic landscape and a space with vitality, enhancing the mobility of space and emotional progression. And rain garden is design to maintain and protect the natural functions of the site, mitigate the accumulation of water and pollution caused by increased impervious areas. Finally, a moderate and harmonious balance has been achieved between natural environment and community life.
Locatedin Mang City, the capital city of Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, the project is designed to incorporate the indigenous Dai culture, attach importance to the derivation and innovation of culture, activate the ancient culture, enliven the local folk culture, and respond to the idea of a livable and livable residential area, from the perspectives of myth interpretation, Garden District, cultural reconstruction, immersive experience and smoke and fire breath, this paper focuses on creating the most Dai experience district in West Yunnan.
Based on the main urban area of Shenzhen, a suburban pastoral weekend micro-resort destination was created. From the integrated design of early planning, planning, operation, architecture and landscape, we took ecology as the keynote, making full use of the current farmland, using modern and light design techniques, combining stainless steel, acrylic, rattan and other materials to create artistic and ecological rest spaces. Combined with the use of ecological rain gardens and native tree species, we created an idyllic landscape full of wild fun that can be viewed and interacted with.
深圳市水平线室内设计有限公司参赛作品《郑州电建中原华曦府售楼处会所》在2024 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺室内设计类别奖项的WINNER!
该奖项的全球参与度非常高,由创始人:彭熙女士为代表的深圳造就设计参赛作品:《现代美学与居住艺术的邂逅》在 2024 French Design Awards(法国设计奖)来自 30 多个国家的1,000多件参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺室内设计类别的金奖荣誉!
Houzee Awards 与 DesignRe-explore设计再探索 达成官方媒体合作伙伴。Houzee Awards 是住宅建筑与住宅设计领域的奖项,该奖项使命是在全球范围内表彰和推广当代最佳创新住宅设计。
Design Skill Awards 与 DesignRe-explore设计再探索达成官方媒体合作伙伴。Design Skill Awards 为设计师提供一个展示才华的全球平台,从而获得国际认可和荣誉。